Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Jose Rizal Epic Poem Essay

A natural hero was born on 1861 His name was Jose Rizal A gifted child who studied foreign languages This great hero was the founder of La Liga Filipina. During his lifetime there was a war The Philippines was shattered to the ground.. Many uprisings were fought against the Spaniards! All of it failed until the Noble Jose Rizal came. His divine weapon was not a sword nor a gun But a small pen. A pen so great it united the Filipinos. His words inspired the hearts of all It spread all over the country like a wild fire The Spaniards heard it just like a wind whispering to them They locked Jose Rizal in a dark tiny chamber in a basement They tortured him.. Oh poor sir Jose Rizal.. Yet his hated grows and burns within his soul The Filipinos planned to free him They had worked so hard.. and it succeeded! Jose sighed.. â€Å"What a beautiful sight† But he said â€Å" I’ll stay here to represent our nation† Andres Bonifacio another great hero said.. â€Å"Are you sure Jose?† And Jose replied â€Å"with all my heart yes I am..† The Spaniards came with an army so great They have to leave Jose Rizal to the hands of the Evil Spaniards They confine him with a great heavy chains Tormented his life for trying to escape And one day the government ordered his death His death day was on December 30, 1896 There he was standing alone under the heavy rain Behind him a hundred gunman to shoot him dead. The leader shouted Fire! and then a gun echoed in the area, the Heroic Jose Rizal was shot in the back.. his eye sight blurred for the last time He felt the pain starts to erupt up to his spine he breathe for the very last time He looked up into the misty sky collapsing facing the gunman There he was lying dead on the bloody ground The Clouds weeps for his death All the Filipinos who watched him get shot screamed No! His death inflamed the hearts of the Filipinos

United States Cancer Society

The American Cancer Society is the nationwide community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives, and diminishing suffering from cancer, through research, education, advocacy, and service. The Society is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, with state Divisions and more than 3,400 local Units. The Society is the largest source of private, nonprofit cancer research funds in the United States. The Society's prevention programs focus on tobacco control, sun protection, diet and nutrition, comprehensive school health education, early detection, and treatment. A variety of service and rehabilitation programs are available to patients and their families. Through its advocacy program, the Society educates policy makers about cancer and how it affects the individuals and families they represent. For more information contact the American Cancer Society at 1-800-ACS-2345 or visit The American Cancer Society is the nationwide community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives, and diminishing suffering from cancer, through research, education, advocacy, and service. The American Cancer Society's international mission concentrates on capacity building in developing cancer societies and on collaboration with other cancer-related organizations throughout the world in carrying out the strategic directions of the American Cancer Society In 1947 the American Cancer Society also began its public education campaign about the signs and symptoms of cancer. They were termed â€Å"Cancer's Danger Signals†. The original 7 danger signals were: 2. A lump or thickening in the breast or elsewhere. 5. Persistent indigestion or difficult swallowing. 7. Any change in normal bowel habits. Ten years later, the order was rearranged putting the â€Å"unusual bleeding or discharge† in the first place. The signals were retitled and reworded slightly through the years, until the wording was changed in 1969 to the acronym CAUTION. The first letter of each sentence was lined up to spell CAUTION. Thickening or lump in the breast or elsewhere. Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing. The warning signals remained as above until their use was discontinued in the early 1980's. Some of the Society's patient service programs include: Transportation: Trained volunteers drive patients to and from treatment. This program is called Road to Recovery in some areas. Reach to Recovery: Trained volunteers who are breast cancer survivors visit women who have been recently diagnosed with breast cancer. The volunteers serve as positive role models, talk with women about their feelings and concerns, and provide written materials about breast cancer and related subjects. â€Å"TLC† is a â€Å"magalog† designed to provide information and special products, such as wigs, swimwear, turbans, hats, bras, and breast prostheses. Look Good†¦Feel Better: In partnership with the Cosmetic, Toiletry and Fragrance Association Foundation and the National Cosmetology Association, this free public service program is designed to teach women with cancer beauty techniques to help restore their appearance and self-image during chemotherapy and radiation treatment. Man to Man: This group program provides information about prostate cancer and related issues to men with prostate cancer and, in some areas, their spouse or significant other. Children's Camps: In some areas, the Society sponsors camps for children who have, or have had, cancer. These camps are equipped to handle the special needs of children undergoing treatment. Hope Lodge: Temporary accommodations are provided in some areas to cancer patients during their treatment. I Can Cope: This patient and family cancer education program consists of a series of classes. Doctors, nurses, social workers, and community representatives provide information about cancer diagnosis and treatment, as well as assistance in coping with the physical and emotional challenges of a cancer diagnosis.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Human behavior theories Essay

Working as a community facilitator is all about empowering and facilitating change within individuals and communities. As their practice facilitators need to identify any challenges and work with the communities to look at ways of solving these problems together. This then requires first for the facilitator to find out why these challenges or problems come about in the first place. Theories are designed to understand human development, identity and approaches to practice. They help turn complicated human, behavioural and social singularities into ideas that are more accessible. It can be said then that theories provide a basis for understanding and reflecting on what we do which then helps us help communities on a micro, mezzo and macro levels. This essay will look at two of the human behaviour theories and how they help us understand and work with our communities (that we as facilitators serve) better. 2. DEFINITION OF TERMS 2. 1. Theory According to (Body, 2014) â€Å"A theory is a logical system of concepts that helps to explain why something happens in a particular way and to predict outcomes†. This means that by preparing their practice on theory, this leads a facilitator to get a better understanding of his/her own task, do some goal planning and also anticipate whatever outcomes there may be. 2. 2. Community Communities are unique with regard to the people in them, place, interaction meaning. According to (Heaven, 2014) â€Å"While we traditionally think of a community as the people in a given geographical location, the word can really refer to any group sharing something in common†. This could also mean any small geographical areas from e. g. a neighbourhood, housing project or development to any community with a large geographically-defined community. 3. HUMAN BEHAVIOR THEORIESÃ'Ž 3. 1. Social Construction Social construction is influential in changing grounded theory. As a way of trying to understand the social world, social construction views knowledge as being 2 constructed (as the name suggests) instead of being created. In this theory communities are seen as alternating between both subjective and objective reality. Past theorists believed that knowledge is beliefs in which people have rational confidence, a common sense of understanding and consensual notion as to what is knowledge. Social construction came about as a way to deal with the nature of reality. It has its origins in sociology and has been linked with the modern era of qualitative research. Reality is it may be something that we are not even aware of. Things like segregation according to what gender, race and class you are a just basic examples of social construction. These things only have meaning because society gives them meaning. According to Tom Andrews (2014) â€Å"Constructionists view knowledge and truth as created not discovered by the mind and supports the view that being a realist is not inconsistent with being a constructionist†. A person can believe that concepts are constructed other than being discovered yet relate to something in the real world. This is consistent with an idea that was put out that reality is socially defined but this one referred to the subjective experience of everyday life as opposed to the objective reality of the natural world. As Steedman (2000) said, â€Å"most of what is known and most of the knowing that is done is concerned with trying to make sense of what it is to be human, as opposed to scientific knowledge†. Individuals or communities decide or rather create this reality one may then ask how this reality or knowledge emerges or how it comes to have significance for society to which social constructionists may answer as they view knowledge as being created by the interactions of individuals within society which is at the centre of social construction as a theory. Andrews (2014) believes that subjective reality is brought about by the interaction of people with their social world and with this social world influencing them it results to routines and habits. That is to say that any regularly repeated action becomes a pattern which at some point can be done without much effort needed. With time this forms a sort of store of knowledge which is passed on to future generations which is then subjective reality. 3 Society gives you and identity from birth. Our identities as people come not from the inside but from the social sphere. Conversation is the main way of maintaining, modifying and reconstructing subjective reality. It compromises notions that are shared unproblematically between the communities so much so that these notions need not be defined each time they are used in conversation and come to assume reality. 3. 2. Examples of Social Construction The most common of all social constructions is that of men and women. Men are required (by society) to have qualities such as control, efficiency, toughness and coolness under emotional distress whilst women on the other hand are said to be the fragile amongst the two with qualities such as inefficiency, emotional expressiveness, caring and mutuality. This is what society has deemed as normal over the years which is what gives the battle of Patriarchy versus Matriarchy in this modern generation. Women today believe that they are more than able to do whatever the â€Å"men† can do and sometimes do it even better. It is clear though that in society’s opinion of gender that men should hold all the power. Laura Flores (2012) is quoted as saying â€Å"Power looks sexy on men, not on women†. But this could be seen as having a double meaning. Other than the obvious meaning we get, it could also mean that women are seen as unable to learn the skills or unable to do whatever a man can do as well. Feminists have been fighting hard battles in order to change this thinking and they have succeeded in changing some people’s minds but the in the traditional societies, mostly in the rural areas this social construction of men and women is still very much evident. Men still go out to provide for the family while the women is expected to stay behind and take care of the children and the home. One other example one could use is that of the social construction of gender. This is slightly different from the previous example used. When a baby is brought into the world the first thing that the doctor will look at is the baby’s sexual category (whether they are male or female) and this is where this social construction begins. Immediately after they are classified as boy or girl the parents then fall into this shared mechanism by dressing them in colours that are â€Å"appropriate† for their gender. Flores says â€Å"the â€Å"normal† thing to do in this case would be for the 4 baby girl to be dressed in pink and the baby boys to be dressed in blue†. You don’t want to be seen as weird for dressing your baby girl in blue or your baby boy in pink, right? Society has put aside colours as some of the symbols that differentiate between boys and girls. Children will then grow like this and then start to try to be like the people who are the same gender as them, â€Å"girls should start acting like their mommy and boys act like their daddy†. Each one will be expected to dress or act in a certain way (as in the first example) but such things are what leads to stereotypes. 3. 3. Asset Based Community Approach 3. 3. 1. What is Asset Based Community Approach (ABCD)? Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) is an approach for sustainable community development. The basis of ABCD is that it believes that communities can develop themselves by recognizing and using existing but often hidden assets to create economic opportunities. It builds those already existing assets in the community and gets individuals, associations and institutions to band together to build on their assets instead of focusing on their needs. It is a naturally positive approach. A large amount of time is spent in trying to identify the assets within a particular community whether it be from individuals, institutions and associations before they are then organised to build on them to the benefit of the community as a whole. The basic key as mentioned above is to use what is already in the community. The ABC approach aims to change people’s view that their needs can only be met by an outsider (professional). When it comes to working with the community, a facilitator who applies the ABCD approach should be adamant about stepping back and letting the community figure things out for themselves. They enlist the help of associations that are within the community in terms of the community development approach and additional support. However Community driven development is mostly done by outside agencies instead of networks that exist in the community already. 3. 3. 2. Discussion on ABCD ABCD pulls out the strengths and weaknesses within a community’s shared history as a starting point for change. Out of all the assets that a community may 5 have ABCD focuses on the assets that are deep rooted in social relationships and sees them as being both evident in both formal and informal networks and associations. It believes that everyone in the community has something to offer and that no one can be said to unimportant. ABCD view individuals as being as being at the centre of it all. The residents of the community has gifts and skills which they can out on the table. These need to be recognized and noted as in community development you can’t do anything with people’s needs but only their assets. Needs are only valuable to institutions. Institutions are groups of people (usually professionals) who share a common interest out of their own choice. These could be agencies or schools etc. these institutions help the community get resources and that in turn gives them a sense of civic responsibility. In terms of assets one could include physical assets such as land, space, funds etc. as they also could be used. 3. 3. 3. How is it facilitated in communities? As mentioned above ABCD is the development of self-mobilisation for change. This development has been implemented in many communities. The task for any agency that comes into a community such as NGO’s is how to put in place this development in other communities without creating a sense of dependency. There are different methods that are facilitated by NGO’s in communities for ABCD. Methods such as Collecting stories whereby they build confidence, informal discussions and interview that also have the goal of drawing out people’s experiences. Success in this will also enable them to uncover any gifts, skills, talents and assets that people in the community may have. Mapping the capacities and assets of individuals, associations and local institutions. Mapping is more than just gathering data on the community. It is of importance that you let the community and institutions d the mapping for themselves as they build new relationships, learn more about help and talents of other community members and also see any connections between different assets. 6 CONCLUSION Understanding a community is crucial to being able to work in it. Failing to understand it will deny you credibility and make it difficult for you both to connect with community members and to negotiate the twists and turns of starting and implementing a community initiative or intervention. Social constructionism places great emphasis on everyday interactions between people and how they use language to construct their reality. It regards the social practices people engage in as the focus of enquiry. This is very similar to the focus of grounded theory but without the emphasis on language. Social constructionism that views society as existing both as objective and subjective reality is fully compatible with classical grounded theory, unlike constructionist grounded theory which takes a relativist position. The ABCD is a substitute the more known needs-based approach. Instead of focusing on what the communities do not have, ABCD looks at what they have to offer. It not only creates a chance for the community to play a part in but they also lead the community planning process. The ABCD is always successful in getting individual participation in the projects in brings to their communities. 7 REFERENCE LIST Andrews, T (2012). What is social constructionism? [ONLINE] Available at: http://groundedtheoryreview. com/2012/06/01/what-is-social-constructionism/ . [Last Accessed 26 August 2014]. Body, A. (n. d. ). Theories Used in Social Work Practice. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www. socialworkdegree. net/theories-used-in-social-work-practice/ . [Last Accessed 26 August 2014]. Cunningham, G and Mathie, A. (2002). Asset Based Community Development- An Overview. [ONLINE]. Available at: http://www. htm . [Last Accessed 26 August 2014]. Flores, L (2012). What is social construction? [ONLINE] Available at: http://oakes. ucsc. edu/academics/Core %20Course/oakes-core-awards-2012/laura-flores. html . [Last Accessed 26 August 2014]. Hampton, C and Heaven C (n. d. ). Section 2. Understanding and Describing the Community. [ONLINE] Available at: http://ctb. ku. edu/en/table-of-contents/assessment/assessing-community-needs-a nd-resources/describe-the-community/main . [Last Accessed 26 August 2014]. Simmons staff. (n. d. ). Theories Used in Social Work Practice. [ONLINE] Available at: http://socialwork.simmons. edu/theories-used-social-work-practice/ . [Last Accessed 26 August 2014]. Steedman, P. (2000). On the relations between seeing, interpreting and knowing. London: Sage. Suttles G, D. (1972). The social construction of communities. 1st ed. Illinois: University of Chicago Press. Vance S. C. (1989). Social construction theory: problems in the history of sexuality. 1st ed. Amsterdam: An Dekker. 8 Varien M, D Potter, M. J, (2008). The Social Construction of Communities: Agency, Structure, and Identity in the Prehispanic Southwest (Archaeology in Society). 1st Ed. New York: Rowman and Littlefield publishers.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Pluralism Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Pluralism Project - Essay Example Therefore, from her article she summarizes that pluralism is like an engagement. It helps in bringing a common society from different diversity together. It is considered to be among the possible responses to the new diversity. Pluralism in our society is not welcomed fully, some look at it with extreme hostility while others feel threatened by it. Other people in our society are looking forward to the days when the differences seen in our society will fade away into the predominantly Christian culture landscape. These voices of the past are now being echoed in the current America’s religious and cultural discussions. The diversity has produced fault lines in America’s religions, and these lines of weakness indicate how American society is with huge cracks of separation. Ecks sees the pluralism alone is not the cause of Americas diversity hut it plays an active engagement role in diversity. It is more than just tolerating the religious differences in our society, what pluralism requires is knowledge for one to understand it and fully appreciate it. It is an act of individuals respecting what others believe in pertaining a given religion. It is also used to refer to different beliefs that are held by more religious views to be acceptable by the beliefs or appear equally valid. Religious pluralism is considered an expression that tries to accept any religion that is in existing or that relates to each in certain ways. It is more than just mere tolerance of other views that are being put forth by other religions (Chaves and Gorski, pg. 261). Pluralism in religion tends to admit the fact that the name put forth by the various religious views throughout the world is not regarded as the ultimate and exclusive source of truth. What this tries to portray is that some elements of truth do exist in religion as much as it exists in

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Foreign Currancy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Foreign Currancy - Essay Example It is even predicted by the IMF that it will overtake the US economy by 2016(Economy Watch, June 2, 2010) In November 2011, U.S. debt to China amounts to $1.13 trillion. This is 25% of the total $4.6 trillion of US debts. In 2011, China exported $1.58 trillion worth of production, 18% of which is exported to the US, while it has imported $333.9 billion from US, creating a trade deficit of $295.5 billion.(Kimberly, Amadeo). This massive surplus is the effect of China’s monetary policy of keeping their Remnibi lower than the equilibrium rate. This monetary policy is the subject of debate of IMF, the World bank, the government ,and other financing bodies. However, despite its robust economy, its GDP per capita income has remained relatively low as compared to United States. China’s GDP per capita is $4,428 while US has $47,153.(The World Bank) In effect, China is not subsidizing US economy because both countries benefit from the deal. The proceeds of the US debts are spent on federal programs while payments of interests of loan is spent by China to propel its economic growth. US debts also kept interest rates low. It is threatening because by holding too much ownership of U.S debts, China can use it as an economic weapon and shift the economic balance in its favor. Being second greatest in the world’s economy, China can use this power as leverage for imposing demands. For instance, in 2009, China proposed for a new global currency to replace the dollar because it was alarmed of the drop of dollar rate, and was afraid that its investments would deteriorate (Macdonald, Joe. 24, Mar. 2009). China has been reported to feel uneasy about relying on the dollar to store its reserves. It has also pressed for changes to give developing countries more influence on the IMF, the World Bank and other financing institutions. To reduce its complete reliance to dollars, China now swaps currency with G-20 trading partners like Hong Kong and Argentina. G-20 is a group of finance ministers and central bank governors from 20 economies and was formed to discuss the international financial system. To date, there is no report on the success of this proposition. What is its impact to the U.S. economy? The reduction of China’s demand for dollars leads to a domino effect – increase of interest rates that would hamper revival of the economy. Threatening to pull out all of its holding from the US will create havoc because if China calls its debts all at once; demand for dollars would be increasingly high, causing a dollar collapse that would disrupt international markets. This would trigger another financial crisis wherein everybody suffers including China (Kimberly). This is more unlikely to happen because it will reflect of China’s competitiveness. When China raises its export prices, US consumers will think twice and buy US products instead. As a policy, China keeps its currency Remnibi, lower than the dollar, a strategy that works for its advantage because it makes product imported from China lower than the U.S. products, and in the final analysis, be able to create more jobs for the Chinese, and be able to fund the growth of its economy. The US is trying to persuade China to revise its policy of having an undervalued Remnibi. The Remnibi is said to be 40 percent below it real value thus making its products excessively low and the US exports comparatively high, but whether this will be heeded by the Chinese government remains to be seen in the light of recent

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Sustainability In Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Sustainability In Business - Essay Example As a result, the question arises as to how organizations as well as societies which are capable of sustaining exceedingly productive performance can be developed. Moreover, it has become increasingly comprehensible that â€Å"sustained economic success and quality of community life depends on developing a different relationship with the natural environment† (Dunphy, 2000, p.5), and hence, it is necessary to realize the fact that much of the economic affluence has been attained at the cost of global resources that have been exploited at an unsustainable rate. In the light of these facts, the current research will aim at evaluating the corporate sustainability of three global majors, viz. Royal Dutch Shell plc (Shell), Fluor Corporation (Fluor), and The Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) in terms of the sustainable profiles of different countries wherein they operate. The report will address a range of corporate sustainability issues that organizations commonly face, in order to substanti ate the fundamental premise of this research. The major strengths of the Shell include its internal factors that have lead to rapid growth of the company. It is one of the largest oil companies and it has acquired very strong market position in global oil industry. It enjoys an upper hand position in the market. The company has taken vertical integration for its operations that allows it to enter downstream and upstream activities like oil and gas exploration and refining, business-to-business sales etc (Shell-b, 2009). The company internal strategies and management team are efficient in maintaining the global operational business operations. The company has acquired high technical advancements for their business operational projects. Since last five years, the weaknesses of Shell have become more prominent due to certain negative factors. Firstly, the decreasing profit and sales margins are the major weakness of the company.

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Rise of the American Empire Between the End of the Civil War and Essay

The Rise of the American Empire Between the End of the Civil War and The Early 20th Century - Essay Example The first American acquisition is Alaska in 1867 from Russia for close to $7.2 million largely on the initiative of the secretary of state William Seward1. Although his purchase was sufficiently unpopular at the time, the small American population unlimited economic growth limited them to experience economic prosperity with external traders and missionaries. However, with the discovery of gold in Juneau early 1880 brought about economic prospectors.   Gold in 1896 found along the tributary of the Klondike River was also reported resulting into the massive gold rush in 1897-8. The majority of the Gold miners utilized the precious grains of dust are nearly all in Canadas Yukon Territory creating is inaccessible region from the Alaskan coast. The majority of the gold-diggers come from the USA increased their gold returns. During this same period the United States accidentally acquired extensive overseas responsibilities such as leadership roles that transformed their nation into a powerful empire.   The gradual American involvement with the Hawaii that was annexed as a US territory during the 1900s led to a more dramatic increase in the US involvement overseas increasing Spanish America Spanish war of 1986. Some of the territorial acquisition led to emergence of conflicts. Undertaken with extreme reluctance among the American government, is the Spanish atrocities in Cuba increasing Cuba’s independence. The establishment of new territories as well as proficient armed forces of the navy which enabled them to excel in the war.

The Role of Political Parties in Mobilizing Electoral Participation in Essay

The Role of Political Parties in Mobilizing Electoral Participation in the U.S - Essay Example First, political parties provide funding and support of candidates that run for political positions. This is the most important support role of a political party is provision of a candidate with the party nomination. Other kinds of support also come in the form of money that goes into conducting political campaigns. in cases where the money does not come directly from political parties, parties still provide important strategy, logistics and organization information that make additional funding and smooth running of the whole operation possible (Ginsberg et al., p. 123). In the period leading to elections, parties help organize fundraisers to help meet budget deficits, they also provide workers for the campaign team of the candidate and monitors the opposition for any election irregularities. The last but most important support role of any political party to its candidate is to instill confidence in him or her of a fair election process. The other role of political parties is to act as political educators. In this role, they provide the necessary literary materials to enlighten voters on the issues that they need to know (Ginsberg et al., p. 223). These issues may range from civic rights to duties and responsibilities of voters towards their country. Part of this role involves instilling on the electorates the importance of casting their vote on the election date. As political educators, mobilizing candidates and educate them on the electoral process and possible outcomes, like their likelihood of being elected. Further, political parties provide information to the public concerning their stand on issues of the day. As part of their role as educators, parties have to periodically reminding members and voters on the importance of casting their vote, since if members do not go out and vote their candidates will lose the elections.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Health reform (research paper) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Health reform (research paper) - Essay Example to ensure customer satisfaction and preferences, to focus on value between providers and insurers, and to minimize the burden on tax payers (Haislmaier 2006). The major aspect of the Massachusetts legislation is the conception of the Connector – a statewide health insurance. Connector will act as a â€Å"private sate-government chartered (Haislmaier 2006)† one-stop shop ort office where individuals and business employers who have employees numbering from fifty (50) and below will be capable to pay for personal and transferable health insurance coverage (Haislmaier 2006). Underinsurance is a major concern for Massachusetts residences since some individuals will prefers to purchase health plans that entails high cost of sharing to be able to bring lower premiums monthly; and restricted benefits (Long 2008). These factors causes higher health care costs per person and can be the reason why most will choose to go without some benefits of a health care plan just to avoid excess health care expenses (Long 2008). Hence when this happens, workers who earn high salaries are covered for any serious injury or illness; while moderate and low income earners will encounter difficulties if the fee for the care which they will need will exceed the coverage of their chosen health insurance plan (Long 2008). The health reform in Massachusetts paved way to having a low rate of universal individuals during its first year of execution. This likewise involved reduction of financial expenses in acquiring health care and enhancement of access to it (Long 2008). Issues surrounding the provisions of the health reform in Massachusetts are concentrated on two aspects which are: that Massachusetts residents must buy a health insurance, and business that have more than ten (10) employees or personnel which do not provide their workers any health insurance should make payments to the state’s compensated care pool for a per worker contribution scale (Haislmaier, 2006). To straighten

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Research Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Research Proposal - Essay Example In the event masculinity is threatened with the men’s conveyed feelings of shame, hostility and guilty: hence men tend to overcompensate to defend masculinity. This paper will talk about masculinity in men; what role masculinity plays in dealing with grief, violence and morality in the society. It is important to understand why men treasure masculinity so much. This paper will review four journals in a bid to understand masculinity in men and how the society takes it. Masculinity can be portrayed in a number of ways, the first dealing with grief, the second – with morality, the third - with violence and last but not least one - acting or role playing. Lee (2002) states that culture and its gadgets all work hand in hand to sustain and set out various rules that men are expected to perform. Ideas of masculinity are socially constructed set of rules that oversee male manners or behavior so that male emotions are not authorized to approve male sex roles. This masculinity that men apply has been sanctioned by the culture and males are required to perform them. Men have been accustomed to thinking that some activities are masculine or not thus objectionable. According to Lee (2002), â€Å"men could have emotions as long as they were they are socially useful.† (p.4) An example of masculinity in the nineteenth century is the public man – a money maker, who desired to or focused on achieving success and had to give his all even his sexuality. Lee (2002) suggested that â€Å"draining one’s bodily fluid via masturbation or self-abuse threatened masculinity.† (p.4) Manhood was understood from these beliefs and, th e author goes on to say that man was or is to direct his sexual passion to his marriage, art and work. 2. Alilunas, P. (2009). Male masculinity as the celebration of failure: The frat pack, women and the trauma of victimization in the â€Å"dude flick†.Retrieved: 3 Nov. 2012. From:

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Fiscal Policy Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Fiscal Policy Paper - Essay Example The huge deficits and debts the US is experiencing are attributable to the increased unbudgeted spending in diverse sectors that include Social security and insurance scheme for the disabled. The increased expenses in the sectors have made the nation face serious financial challenges due to the increasing deficits and debts with minimal surpluses (Whitehouse, 2010). The extreme economic conditions explain why the future social security and Medicare users should embrace themselves to challenging times ahead. Indeed, taxpayers in US that include Medicare and social security users have been feeling the pinch of the US economic situation. The increase in overspending has created an imbalance in the economy that in turn is leading to the utilization of the available resources in the sectors in financing other activities. The use of the resources has reduced the amount of money available to facilitate effective service delivery. The unfolding events have resulted in inferior service delivery in the sectors, lack of medical equipments in hospitals, unemployment, and reduced social cover (Whitehouse, 2010). In particular, the taxpayers no longer receive standardized services as before in a timely manner. The level of responsiveness to their issues is also worrying lately. Variably, the meltdown has forced job cuts in various institutions providing Medicare and social security services thereby compromising service delivery. Is because there is limited finance that can be used in sustaining qual ity service delivery as expected in the sectors. The surplus amount obtained can be used to support the ailing sectors in a bid to bridge the gap created by the deficit, as the government may deem necessary. The move can help in correcting the financial imbalance that may lead to the economic recession if not

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Democratic Republic of Congo Essay Example for Free

The Democratic Republic of Congo Essay The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been characterized by the behavior of her natives, especially in the eastern part, being engaged into selling some of her valuable minerals such as gemstones and gold to other countries via the black markets mostly located at the country’s borders. The stakeholders in this business include the Senegalese, Indian and Chinese clients. Though the smugglers participating in this kind of illegal business are small part-time group of actors, they earn themselves millions of dollars, part of which is hidden in the country’s distressed backwoods. This income has been used to finance the country’s armed groups (Manson, 1). As a result, it has not been so smooth and easy to get to the bottom of the conflict that has over years existed over the Congo’s minerals. Even some of the smugglers testify that because of the sufferings that they have undergone for quite a long period of time, they resolved to this dirty business since they had nothing else they could do. Arguments from lobby groups in the U. K. reported that in order to attain peace in Congo and resettle the millions of displaced citizens, mineral-related conflicts ought to be contained first. However, it has been very challenging to resolves these conflicts because certain hindrances. To begin with, the smuggling routes are untraceable. Despite these pathways being rocky, twisted and on the green hills, there are armed men who demand for cash taxes and other levies such as their imposed in-kind levies. Moreover the mining sites are all through guided majorly by the PARECO, a former militia group (Global Witness, 1). Manufacturers of mobile phones have also been accused for having helped finance these conflicts since these companies have been using metals such as tantalum and tin which are obtained from the processing of the minerals from this country. As a result, these mobile phone companies have been called upon to review their supply chains with the aim of making certain that their tin and tantalum supplies are not from militia-controlled or military units-controlled mines. Thailand based Thailand Smelting and Refining Company (Thaisarco) has been accused for being a manufacturer of the mobile phones that buys ore from a Hutu Militia group, FDLR (Katrina, 1). Thaisarco is owned by Amalgamated Metal Corporation (AMC), a British company In the resolutions by the U. N. , it was highlighted that a measure to freeze the assets and ban the travels for those involved in financing the illegal Congolese armed groups should be taken on worldwide. In order to help hold back the catastrophes associated with the corrupt and illegal exploitation of the Congo’s mineral resources, the international trade system stakeholders have been urged to mend any loopholes so as to end not only this impunity but also avoid environmental abuses, bring to a halt mineral-linked conflicts and more importantly refrain from infringing the Congolese human rights. Furthermore, guideline to enable the tracing of the sources of the minerals should be put forth. Media analysis has helped me understand clearly the causes of the conflicts that are in Congo that are closely linked with the illegal exploitation of the minerals within the country, the contributors of these conflicts and also the prescriptions, from various public views, on how resolutions may be arrived at. This is because the analysis enhances the understanding of raw data from the various view points. It has played a crucial role in helping relate the events that were occurring in DRC. However, media analysis proves to be limiting is some ways. For instance, the information provided is most a times summarized, missing some first hand information. As a result, one is made to believe on the information at hand. Works Cited Global Witness. Metals in Mobile Phones Help Finance Congo Atrocities. February 16, 2009, Viewed August 2, 2010 from http://www. globalwitness. org/media_library_detail. php/718/en/metals_in_mobile_phones_help_finance_congo_atrocities Katrina, M. Groups Says Suing UK Over Congo Conflict Minerals. Times Live, July 26, 2010. Viewd August 2, 2010 from http://www. timeslive. co. za/africa/article570920. ece/Group-says-suing-UK-over-Congo-conflict-minerals Manson, K. Uphill Task to Solve Congo’s Conflict Minerals. Reuters Jul 30, 2010, viewed August 2 2010 from http://uk. reuters. com/article/idUKTRE66T1LR20100730

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Five Forces Model Of The Airline Industry Tourism Essay

Five Forces Model Of The Airline Industry Tourism Essay The bargaining power of buyers is another force that can affect the competitive position of a company (Porter, 1998, p.48). This refers to the amount of pressure customers can place on a business, thus, affecting its prices, volume and profit potential (Porter, 1998, p.45). The various airlines flying from the Gold Coast airport are competing for the same customer, which also results in strengthening the buyer power. Individuals wishing to travel to and from the Coolangatta airport are presented with various choices when selecting an airline but price is usually the most important factor, especially for students and families. Hence, the bargaining power of customers in the airline industry is very high since they are price sensitive and search for the best deals available. Virgin Blue attracts travellers that are price sensitive by offering them low fares and those that are convenience oriented by providing them with frequent flights. Qantas on the other hand has created a frequent f lyer program to create switching costs which may be a significant factor to a traveller when choosing which airline to fly with. In addition to buyers, suppliers can also exercise considerable pressure on a company by increasing prices or lowering the quality of products offered. The bargaining power of suppliers depends on supplier concentration, substitute supplies, switching costs, threat of forward integration and buyer information (, 14 April 2008) Suppliers within the airline industry are concentrated since Boeing and Airbus are the main suppliers (, 14 April 2008) As the supplier industry is dominated by Boeing and Airbus the concentration undermines the ability of airlines such as Virgin Blue to exercise control over suppliers and earn higher profits. Since Virgin Blue has a fleet of 53 Boeing 737 aircraft its supplier has a high bargaining power over Virgin Blue (, April 12, 2008). However, other suppliers who work with the airline such as the providers of on board snacks do not have the same bargaining power as they are a larger industry which allows for Virgin Blue to have a choice over who they are purchasing from. Virgin Blue will purchase their on board snacks from the supplier which is the most economic so Virgin Blue can make a higher profit margin from the goods when they are sold. The availability and threat of substitutes is another factor that can affect competition within the airline industry. It refers to the likelihood that customers may switch to another product or service that performs similar functions (Stahl, M, Grigsby D 1997, pg 145). Substitutes for air travel include travelling by train, bus or car to the desired destination. The degree of this threat depends on various factors such as money, convenience, time and personal preference of travellers. The competition from substitutes is affected by the ease of with which buyers can change over to a substitute. A key consideration is usually the buyers switching costs, however due to their low fare non-stop flights, Virgin Blue, Jetstar and Tiger airways can lure both price sensitive and convenience oriented travellers away from these substitutes. Virgin Blue has actually joined forces with its substitutes, such as car rentals and hotel and tour packages as they believe that these complement the Airli ne Industry by helping its growth and popularity. No other travel industry has such incentives and these really help the airline industry to a large extent. The final force in Porterà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s model is competitive rivalry that describes the intensity of competition between established firms in an industry (Stahl, M, Grigsby D 1997, pg 148). Industries that are very competitive generally earn low profits and returns since the cost of competition is high (Stahl, M, Grigsby D 1997, pg 148). The airline industry is usually characterized by the cut-throat competition that exists among the rival airlines due to its low cost nature. Since the carriers are involved in a constant struggle to take away the market share from each other, industry growth is average and as it is easy for buyers to switch between the airline companies, depending on price, the rivalry is increased. Rivalry is also high in the airline industry due to high fixed costs, as much of the cost of a flight is fixed, there is a great opportunity for airlines to sell unsold seats cheaply, which resolve in pricing wars between the airlines (Hubbard, 2004, pg 38). The airl ines are continually competing against each other in terms of prices, technology, in-flight entertainment, customer services and many more areas. The net result of this competition between companies is an overall slow market growth rate. In conclusion we can understand that the airline industry is very competitive and Michael Porters five-forces model can be used to explain why the potential for returns is so low in this industry. Firstly, the threat of new companies entering the industry is high and the entry barriers are low. Secondly, the bargaining power of customers is high since they are price sensitive and search for the best deals. The third force, bargaining position of suppliers, is strong since they are concentrated and this limits the control airlines have over suppliers to reduce prices and earn higher profits. The availability and threat of substitutes is another factor that can affect a companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s competitive position. However, the degree of this threat depends on various factors such as time, money, convenience and personal preferences of travellers. The final force in Porters model is competitive rivalry between the companies within an industry. Cut-throat competition exists among the airlines and since there is a constant struggle for market share, the over all profit potential of this industry is low.

Ethical Issues in Business: Accounting and Environmentalism

Ethical Issues in Business: Accounting and Environmentalism Cassandra Swinden Part A: This section is to outline the importance of social accounting and social reporting and to define this with an in depth explanation; in terms of within a business society. The use of the company Apple as a case study and further references, will allow a detailed analysis of these terms, to give a deeper understanding to the reader. Social accounting and reporting is a huge factor in measuring companies’ performances, however there is no single agreed definition. Therefore we could ask what actually is social accounting and reporting, if there is no official identity to the terms. Social accounting and reporting is a way of evaluating a business’s performance only on numerical figures. It takes into account other Stakeholder groups rather than just Shareholders, as it highlights the importance of a business responsibility to differing issues. Issues include; environmental, local and national involvement (charity). This statement can be supported by many sources including; D. Crowther (2000) as he defines social accounting in this sense as an approach to reporting a firm’s activities which stresses the need for the identification of socially relevant behaviour, the determination of those to whom the company is accountable for its social performance and the development of appropriate measures and reporting techniques. [1] Another definition to identify the term â€Å"social accounting† comes from O,Dwyer (2006). However he defines the term from the perspective of an accountant stating â€Å"social accounting scholars are a group of individuals with ‘commitment to stakeholder accountability and democracy’†.[2] However this is not always be case, as social accounts may be biased for different reasons. Accountant’s desire for work fees could lead them to saying things which aren’t completely true, which can cause huge legitimacy problems. Secondly soc ial accounting can also be recognised as a contributing factor of many social conflicts and disputes. This links to Apple as looking at the report â€Å"Apples un-kept promises†; we can see that legitimacy problem have arisen, from the claims made in their progress report. Apple claims: â€Å"We don’t tolerate underage labour. Our code requires our suppliers to provide special treatment to juvenile workers.†[3] However the China labour watch disclosed in their report ‘Apples un-kept promises’; that within 2 factories they found many underage workers and employment right were minimal or even non-existent. However social accounting may seem a positive driver for pleasing numerous Stakeholders, nevertheless it still has its disadvantages as a performance measure. Stuart Cooper (2004) â€Å"Social and environmental accounting is flawed as it does not address the problem of the capitalist system†. This suggests that as long as money is the main objective in companies, they will never be legitimate with its social accounting objectives. Apple are a company which seem to adopt a capitalist culture, due to evidence discovering the length of working hours and the wage workers receive. â€Å"Working hours are too long, with 7-day weeks, shifts exceeding 12 hours and 80 hours of overtime a month not uncommon. It appears that falsified attendance records help disguise the real figures†. [4] Further from this the pay rate is at only ‘$1.20 per hour’. Looking at Grey, Owen, Adams theory of social responsibility stances we can see that Apple clearly adopts an expedients approach, as they only proposed changes in 2012 (the progress report), to rebuild their tattered reputation. The report â€Å"un-kept promises† published by the China Labour Watch, showed how all promises mentioned in the progress report, to better employment rights and increase interests with different Stakeholder groups, were shattered, as independent enquiries were made to show that workers were receiving less than adequate treatment, for example no action was made to better environmental issues. To conclude social accounting is an important measure for all businesses. However its importance differs in different ways, as some businesses only accepts social responsibility as long as it benefits them. However some companies genuinely put the importance of social responsibility, before profits and reputation, these companies usually take a deep ecologist view to responsibility and include companies such as Greenpeace. Overall social responsibility is mainly adopted for self-benefits, and this is where the term â€Å"Green wash† has emerged. Part B: This part of the essay outlines what is meant by the term ‘ethical issues’, giving an understanding of the two theories ethical relativism and ethical absolutism. The report is also to highlight the importance of ethics within companies, and give justification for its importance. Furthermore the use of Apple articles and further references will allow an assessment to be made, and assumptions on Apples performance to these matters will be highlighted. The use of different viewpoints from varying Stakeholders will make the reports analysis more solid, as this will allow advantages and disadvantages to be seen in differing scenarios, rather than just seeing the benefits/negatives of main Shareholders. Ethical issues are mainly defined through two different theories; either relativism or absolutism. Ethical absolutism is a theory where something is only right or wrong, it does not consider any other situations or scenarios. On the other hand Ethical relativism this theory were nothing is categorically right or wrong, as it is mainly relies on the circumstances of an individual, culture, beliefs or emotions. Therefore there is more tolerance on positive or negative actions that may be seen as immoral due to the moral absolutism theory. Looking at Apples Progress Report for 2012 outlines, how Apple have managed ethical matters to suite many Stakeholders involved within the company, demonstrating strong cooperate responsibility. Many statements are made within report; differing amongst Stakeholder groups, however the quote â€Å"We require that our suppliers provide safe working conditions, treat workers with dignity and respect, and use environmentally responsible manufacturing processes wherever Apple products are made.† [5] This statement evidently indicates the importance of the employee, pressure groups and environmentalists to the Apple brand; this analytically shows good responsibility to these stakeholders welfare. However contrasting this other sources have indicated that Apple has not complied with many of the statements they have made, regarding their ethical responsibility. A report called the ‘Other Side of Apple’ by the Friends of nature, the IPE and green Beagle (2011) found that â €Å"it was discovered that Lian Jian Technology had environmental violations, as they â€Å"did not carry out the appropriate measures which resulted in hazardous waste material run off. They also had not filled out the hazardous waste transfer manifest documentation.† [6] From this we can evidently assume that Apple have minimal interest in changing practices to make them more environmentally friendly, they’d rather pay heavy fines. As changing practices would be costly and may affect the annual profits of Apples displeasing the Shareholders. This indicates that social responsibility is only implemented for the interest of Apple. Similarly according to a report from the China Labour watch show cased many ethical issues involving employees throughout all three factories, issues such as; an immense number of underage workers were discovered and of which did not receive any exceptional protection/treatment in comparison to workers of age. They were made to work within t he same conditions and hours of employees of legal age. Additionally all workers were made to sign documents to falsify the hours that they do, therefore breaking employment regulations. However overseas employment is greatly important to many less economically developed countries, Apple provides an income for their employees, as well as giving them opportunities to learn new skills, and increasing their life satisfaction. A Case Study involving Man Power to recruit a workforce force from the Monga-hit region of Rangpur, supports this as â€Å"the government assigned a quota to send 18000 poor people from the Monga-hit region comprising greater Rangpur to overseas countries with job.† [7] As well as offering â€Å"loans to poor youths of the Monga-hit region consisting of greater Rangpur for overseas employment.† [8] This shows the importance of companies being overseas, as governments of these less developed countries heavily encourage inward investment, as it benefits them in many ways; as the government gain more taxation to improve public services, as well as less dependency on them for income. Shareholders will also benefit as wages are much lower overseas, therefore increased profits could be made, increasing dividends. To conclude Apples performance towards its promises to alter social issues, have been extremely poor. As evidence through investigations by the Chinese Labour Watch and a report from the Friends of nature, IPE and Green Beagle all have identified many issues involving numerous Stakeholders, including: employees, environment and its suppliers, where all parties were suffering from the production of Apple products. However on the other hand these factories do play an important role economically to the countries. As they provide employment to very low-skilled people, and most likely pay better wages than competitors. As well, governments promote inward investment into countries like these, as they financially aid the country through additional taxes, as well as a reduction in the unemployed, therefore less dependence on the government for survival. This view is supported by the Case Study on Manpower. Overall for Apple to be socially responsible they do need to address ethical issues th at have been mentioned, as eventually them only providing the advantage and employment to a country won’t be enough. In the future more damage could be made environmentally, costing the government large amounts of money. Part C: This part is to outline why companies might possibly report on environmental responsibility, it is argued many only report on these issues for business case reasons. Furthermore an analysis on what is meant by the term business case will be made, through the use of differing definitions from a range of sources. Applying apple to principles to help understand why companies report on environmental issues and what impact business case reasons has on a company, this will give a greater understanding of the importance of business case, as it will give more personalised answers as Apple may have a differing situation/position to other companies. Also using an existing company to show proposed changes, will lead to a sustainable planet. Finally there will be an explanation on what is understood by the term â€Å"Greenwash†, using multiple references and also demonstrating how it distresses particular Stakeholders. Companies that do things to reflect environmental responsibility but however only do them to in fact increase profitability, sales and even reduce waste to only reduce unit price of products, are only doing these things for business case reasons. Whereas if companies actually take a moral responsibility to environmental practices i.e. reduce their carbon emissions, they are doing this for ethical reasons instead of business case reasons. Therefore business case reasons highlight that companies only demonstrate an environmental policy to maintain a good reputation, however the practices they change/implement is done only to benefit themselves. However according to a report â€Å"beyond the business case† by Thomas Dyllick and Kai Hockerts they state â€Å"A single-minded focus on economic sustainability can succeed in the short run; however, in the long run sustainability requires all three dimensions to be satisfied simultaneously.† [9] This statement suggests those bus inesses that only concentrate on business case issues, intending to make changes to gain economic advantages; this will not benefit them in the long run. As mentioned they need to focus on all three dimensions which include; economic, ecological and social aspects. Therefore, for a business to be a success they need to take into account environmental and social issues. This statement links to Apple as evidence suggests that Apple heavily focuses on economic issues, however neglecting ecological and social issues, which affects a vast majority of Stakeholders, and the reputation of the business. A report called the ‘Other Side of Apple’ by the Friends of nature, the IPE and green Beagle (2011) identified many environmental issues within the company which affected many internal Stakeholders. For example in the Lain Jian factory they used an alcohol based solution to clean screens and other parts within the construction of their products. However Apple changed its process â€Å"In August, 2008, however, W (Suzhou) suddenly began requiring its employees to replace the alcohol-based cleaner with n-hexane. When interviewed, workers at the factory stated that n-hexane evaporated much more quickly than the alcohol-based cleaner, thereby i ncreasing their efficiency rate.† [10] But controversially Apple didn’t recognise the dangers of this solution, by not reporting the change to the authorities this violated China‘s à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Law on the Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases. Not only this, it affected the health of many employees in the company, as it is a poison it left many sick, as the chemical can cause unresponsiveness of limbs. â€Å"Many of the employees at Lian Jian Technology have been falling sick†, â€Å"According to hospital tests and the doctors ‘diagnosis, these employees ‘upper and lower peripheral nerves had been damaged† [11] This clearly shows major environmental and social issues in Apple, and how the importance of increased efficiency was more important, than ensuring the safety of its employees. A lot of employees form this incident decided to leave the company, as it was unsafe for them to work there. They received little compensation, and many of employees had to leave as they were given no other option, leaving them unemployed again and vulnerable as their skill set is minimal. Therefore Apples business case, really need altering as this undoubtedly demonstrates the importance of having all three dimensions (economical, ecological and social) as mentioned in the report â€Å"beyond the business case†. Greenwashing is a tool which a lot of major companies use to make them appear that they take responsibility for environmental issues, but in real terms they don’t; they only publish what they do to enhance their business reputation and brand image, which could possibly increase profitability and sales. It’s only done for self-interests. This is supported by a view from as they state â€Å"It’s greenwashing when a company or organization spends more time and money claiming to be â€Å"green† through advertising and marketing than actually implementing business practices that minimize environmental impact. It’s whitewashing, but with a green brush.† [12] Overall from the evidence gathered about business case reasons, which are now known as actions that only benefit the company i.e. increased profits? Are a big tool used in companies, however this continuous approach to only look at economic advantages does not benefit companies in the long-run. As from the report ‘Other Side of Apple’ by the Friends of nature, the IPE and green Beagle, showed how they only focused on economic benefits through replacing a cleaning solution, which increased efficiency, however it led to huge pay-outs and loss of many employees, meaning large costs and a tattered reputation. This highlights that the view of needing to concentrate on all 3 dimensions, by Thomas Dyllick and Kai Hockerts is grossly important. This leads to the view of Greenwashing, many companies use this tool to appear environmentally involved, but only for self-interests, such as increased brand image and reputation, as well as the possibility of more sales. To conclude comp anies to succeed in the future need to really take on board the importance of environmental and social issues for them to be a success. As these responsibilities are becoming more important to consumers, and other Stakeholders in this day and age. References: D. Crowther, Social and Environmental Accounting (London: Financial Times Prentice Hall, 2000), p. 20. Carol A. Tilt. (2008). Corporate Responsibility, Accounting. Available: Last accessed 25th February 2014. China Labour Watch. (July 29, 2013). Apples un-kept promises: Cheap iPhones come at high costs to Chinese workers. Available: Last accessed 22nd February 2014. Hilmar Schmundt and Bernhard Zand. (July 29, 2013). Undercover Report: Apple Faces Fresh Criticism of Factories. Available: Last accessed 25th February 2014. Apple. (2012). Apple Supplier Progress Report 2012. Available: Last accessed 24th February 2014. Friends of Nature, IPE, Green Beagle. (2011). The Other Side of Apple. Available: Last accessed 27th February 2014. The Financial Express. (2010). Call to restore overseas employment opportunity for Monga-hit poor. Available: Last accessed 26th February 2014. Thomas Dyllick and Kai Hockerts. (2002). Beyond the business case for cooperate sustainability. Available: Last accessed 26th February 2014. [1] D. Crowther, Social and Environmental Accounting (London: Financial Times Prentice Hall, 2000), p. 20. [2],d.ZGU [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]

Saturday, July 20, 2019

America 1900 - 1930 :: American History

Throughout centuries, we as a society have come to realize American history's pros and cons. It has been both optimistic and unconstructive, throughout the late 18th century through the end of WWII. Politicians and business leaders showed us how our societies have eventually come together in the creation of modern society. It has been an extensive and tough struggle from the 1870's horizontal and vertical integration to the 1930s great depression and the ending of World War II. In this essay I will discuss how the government and big businesses impacted and intertwined with one other in the growth of modern society. In the early 1870s, people were eager to expand and control their society. It was around this time, which also showed us consumerism at its best. It was the start of the big business boom, which included different methods and parts, some even involving corrupt politicians in order to gain control. A man by the name of Andrew Carnegie led this era of the industrial society. Carnegie was ambitious and hard working which showed people that anyone could do it. He would work a low paying job and take classes at night like most of us citizens do today. Carnegie would just grow in the corporate world and gain knowledge by getting promoted in Pennsylvania Railroads. After years of developing his skills, he decided to build his own steel mill. He introduced us to vertical Integration, meaning purchasing all the products, which are needed. Carnegie would buy the mountain, create a melting device, hire cheap labor and initially create a factory. This form of integrated goods made the process a lot cheaper. Carnegie was in the steel production integration scene, which was used to create the railroads. (Boyer, P. 369). These railroads helped create a form of transportation for local businesses to transport goods. In "The Enduring Vision", the author explains by the 1900s, 193,000 miles of railroad track crisscrossed the United States. (Boyer, 369) Connecting every state in the union opening an internal market. This illustrates the relationship between railroad expansion and corporate America. It also was a start for John Rockefeller, a local oilman who believed in vertical integration and also created horizontal integration. Horizontal integration was a form of control, which meant buying out your competitor legally or illegally. His method was very similar to Carnegie's: cost cutting and efficiency. Rockefeller would use aggression and dishonesty to force out competitors.

Friday, July 19, 2019

All Aboard: Discrimination in Sports :: Essays Papers

All Aboard: Discrimination in Sports As white, American males, are we feeling left out? Of course not, we are the envy of every other race, ethnicity, and gender. Right? To anyone that believes this, it must then be asked: If we, as white males, aren’t feeling â€Å"left out,† then why do we continually try to sneak aboard the overcrowded train of discrimination? As the past has shown, the tracks this train screams across undoubtedly open up to a deep chasm of hurt and pain. And yet, it seems to be one of the most sought after tickets today. Have we lost sight of the real struggles from the Civil Rights and Women Movements, only to replace them with ridiculous reverse-discrimination issues of today? Reverse discrimination has recently become the new fad in sports. First we were blessed with grumbles from less-than-athletic, underachieving, wannabe professional basketball players saying their sport has begun to discriminate against them because they are white. But instead of grumbling, maybe they should thank Harry â€Å"Bucky† Lew for becoming the first African American in professional basketball. Thank him because now owners sign players based on talent and ability instead of the color of their skin. So, if you hear the bad news that the L.A. Clippers just don’t have room on their roster for you, it’s not because you’re white ? you’re just not good enough. Unfortunately, this plague of claiming reverse discrimination has now filtered into college athletics as well. Andrew Medcalf was denied a job as Pennsylvania’s head coach of woman’s crew two years ago, and he has now turned it into a discrimination case. In his mind, it was ludicrous that a college would turn him down because there was a better candidate for the job. Luckily for him, this other candidate was a woman. So, instead of accepting that he wasn’t qualified enough to become head coach, he simply claimed gender discrimination ? and he won. The University of Pennsylvania was forced to pay $115,000 in lost wages, emotional distress, and punitive damages. Pennsylvania ended up hiring Barbara Kirch instead of Medcalf in 1999. Who knows, maybe Kirch was hired based on her gender.

Icons of Ambivalence in Bless Me Ultima Essay examples -- Bless Me Ult

Icons of Ambivalence in Bless Me Ultima  Ã‚        Ã‚   The portrait of Mexican Americans is layered in shades of ambivalence. Aside from the fact there is evidence that they can not really be classified as a migratory culture in that the land where they tend to migrate once belonged to Mexico, they can also lay an earlier claim to the land as Native Americans. The Spanish Europeans who settled in the area that became Mexico evolved as the dominant culture over the oral culture of the Native Americans. Nevertheless, there is evidence of ambivalence among the Native Americans to the dominant culture of the Spanish in what is arguably one of the Mexico's basic texts, the story of the Miraculous Apparition of the Virgin of Guadalupe in 1531. The Virgin of Guadalupe does not fit the usual model of the Virgin as she appears to believers, the biggest change being her native appearance. She is of the dominant culture's religion, and yet she is not. Her appearance is one of only eight worldwide that have found acceptance by the Catholic Church (Apparition 48). Moreover, she is a symbol of the native culture as well and has reverence in the eyes of both Mexicans and Mexican Americans that remains evident to date. Notably as well, Bless Me Ultima, a modern work of fiction set in New Mexico, depicts not only ambivalence toward the dominant culture of the United States, but also remnants of the same ambivalence toward the Catholic Church found hundreds of years earlier in the native culture of Mexico. Ultima, one of the principle characters in the novel, practices the ancient art of Curanderismo, an approach to healing which encompasses the body, mind and emotions along with the soul and the spirit (Curandera 1). Ultima practices the four ... ...Robert C. Broderick, ed. New York: Thomas Nelson, Inc., 1987. 48. "Blessed Juan Diego: Model of Humility". 29 Oct. 2000. "Blessed or Evil. 5 October 2000. "Curandera Elena Avila. 5 October 2000. de Vega, Bechiller Luis Lazo. "History of the Miraculous Apparition of the Virgin of Guadalupe in 1531." The Heath Anthology of American Literature. Ed. Paul Later. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1998. 475-82. "La Curandera: Blessed or Evil." 5 October 2000. "Scapular." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Revised and Updated. Robert C. Broderick, ed. New York: Thomas Nelson, Inc., 1987. 543.      

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Employment and Trade Unions Essay

Throughout the study I have tried with the best of my capacity to accommodate as much information and relevant issues as possible and tried to follow the instructions as you have suggested. I tried my best to make this report as much informative as possible. I sincerely believe that it will satisfy your requirements. I however sincerely believe that this report will serve the purpose of my course (Industrial Relation). I am grateful to you for your guidance and kind co-operation at every step of my endeavor on this report. My effort will be reworded only if it adds value to the research literature. Introduction One of the major functions of human resource management is to maintain smooth industrial relations (IR). It is also treated as one of the oldest functions of HRM. It is basically allied with the relations between the employer and the workers in the industry (Singh & Kumar, 2011: 3). According to Weeratunga (2003:5) â€Å"Industrial Relations or Labor Relations, the terms used interchangeably, can be viewed as the interaction between the various interested parties involved in employment. The employer and the employee are obvious parties. The state, in ensuring a level playing field for both sides, provides the legal framework within which such relations may take place†. In industrial relations, workers are generally represented by their trade unions formed under chapter 13 of Bangladesh Labor Act–2006 whereas employers are represented by their associations such as Bangladesh Employers Federation. HR managers mediate the relationships between workers and employers though they are appointed by the representatives of employers. Another related term is ‘Employee Relations’. Though both the terms industrial relations and employee relations are structurally similar (Decenzo& Robbins, 1999: 18), employee relations includes, in addition to industrial relations, such aspects as participative management, employee wellbeing, employee development, employee compensation, employee protection and health, and the like (Aswathappa, 2008:534). Generally industrial relations cover the areas such as trade unions, collective bargaining, settlement of industrial disputes, grievance handling procedure, role of government, labor laws, courts and tribunals and role of employers. In the context of developing countries, industrial relations has been influenced by features such as high exploitation of workers, low level of worker participation in decision making, government and political interferences, high rate of illiteracy of workers, low level of employment, low level of awareness among the laborers regarding rights, laws, and trade unionism, and low labor productivity (Khan &Taher, 2008: 222-23). Industrial relations plays an important role in establishing and maintaining industrial democracy (Monappa, 2004: 9) and it is the key to improve productivity in industrial enterprises (Aswathappa, 2004: 534). Human resource management can play vital roles in enhancing cooperative and friendly industrial relations. In Bangladesh, collective bargaining on pay between employer and workmen is prohibited in the public sector enterprises as the government designs uniform pay and benefits for the employees of all public sector enterprises (Mahmood, 2008). The limited scope of collective bargaining in the public sector of Bangladesh influences the trade unions to develop network with government, political parties and other powerful bodies in organizing their activities. It hinders effective interactions between the representatives of employers and workers at enterprise level. Though performance based pay is considered to have significant impact on employee performance (Dessler&Varkkey, 2010: 15), it is not at all practiced by the public sector enterprises in Bangladesh. As a result, public sector enterprises in Bangladesh have been incurring huge losses. On the other hand, all types of collective bargaining takes place at enterprise level in case of private sector enterprises (Khan, 1996). Mahmood (2008) mentioned that the industrial relations process in the private sector was often disturbed by links between private and public sector unions. Objectives: a) To explore the differences between public and private sector industrial enterprises of Bangladesh with respect to overall status of IR. b) To put forward policy implications of overall improvement in IR of Bangladesh. Industrial Relations Studies in Bangladesh Khan (1986) studied industrial relations in Bangladesh with special emphasis on trade unionism. †¦ Trade Unions Trade Union is an organization of workers who have banded together to achieve common goals such as protecting the integrity of its trade, achieving higher pay, increasing the number of employees an employer hires, and better working conditions. An organized association of workers in a trade, group of trades, or profession, formed to protect and further their rights and interests. – A group of employees in a particular sector, whose aim is to negotiate with employees over pay, job security, working hours, etc. using the collective power of the members. The most common purpose of these associations or unions is â€Å"maintaining or improving the conditions of their employment†. Causes of organizing trade unions Provision of benefits to members: professional training, legal advice and representation for members is still an important benefit of trade union membership. Industrial action: Trade unions may enforce strikes or resistance to lockouts in furtherance of particular goals. Political activity: Trade unions may promote legislation favourable to the interests of their members or workers as a whole. To this end they may pursue campaigns, undertake lobbying, or financially support individual candidates or parties. Conditions of employment and any grievances — are settled through trade unions. Bargaining rights: Trade unions bargain and ensure the status, rights, wages and demands of workers of the modern world of industry. Contribution in economical growth: Trade unions are growing rapidly in an economy because of the expansion of business and economical growth. Objectives Trade unions are the only way to manage, compliant, and control the labour force. Lots of objectives are there to organize trade unions. . To defend or improve the wages and working conditions of workers and to bring about a change in the economic order. 2. To strengthen their (labour) bargaining power collectively to establish and achieve all their rights. 3. To dully protect all other interest of the workers . And from the management’s point of view the objectives as written: a) To reduce the number of negotiation. b) To specify work rules, disagreements and grievances to give the better solution to workers claim. c) To establish the efficient communication between the employers and management to enforce the predictable standards. ) To enhance the overall organizational effectiveness workers can also be sometimes inspired to form and organize trade union. In fact, objectives of a trade union are not defined; rather these are changing according to the need of the economy and overall industry. When these objectives are not settled then the rivals are started History of Trade Unions The Pakistan Period (1947-71) -The East Pakistan Trade Unions Act, 1965 was enacted repealing the Trade Unions Act, 1926. -The Labor Disputes Act, 1965 was enacted. -Industrial Relations Ordinance, 1969 was enacted integrating the above two Acts. Bangladesh Period (1971-onwards) -Government of Bangladesh declared a labor policy in 1972. The right to strike and collective bargaining in the nationalized industries was prohibited for six months by Presidential order no. 55 in May 1972. -In 1973, the right to strike and lockout, as granted by IRO, 1969 was withdrawn. -In 1974 Act completely suspended the democratic rights of workers by prohibiting trade union activities such as strikes, lock-outs, collective bargaining. -The military regime of 1975 imposed restrictions on the rights of collective bargaining. The Industrial Relations (Amendment) Ordinance, 1977 liberalized the Rights of Freedom of Association -The Labor Policy of 1980 restored the right to freedom of association to a considerable extent -In 1982 the military regime banned trade union activities, strikes, and right of freedom of association. Limitations In Bangladesh Trade Unions have a lot of unavoidable problems: 1. Lack of consciousness: Trade union are not actu ally completely aware about employees legal rights and duties. 2. Lack of Unity: In Bangladesh trade unions are separated for political influence. 3. Lack of knowledge: The workers of Bangladesh don’t have enough knowledge about their rights and duties. 4. Political influence: In Bangladesh, trade unions work a part of political parties not as a free right saving association. 5. Division of trade union: Bangladesh is a country where every organization has more trade unions in name only. The overall productivity got down. Suggestions Strengthening bilateral collective bargaining for solving problems quickly and effectively. Multiplicity of trade union creates the rivals in a union. So it must be reduced. Political involvement must be reduced. Organization must support financially as trade unions support the worker. Training programs under trade union should be helpful to develop the skills of the workers. Trade union’s function should be increased and widened throughout the organization. Union leader must be given importance and encourage the members. If trust between workers and management increases, productivity increases. Management must help and guide trade unions to settle industrial clashes and crisis. Trade unions always should demand reasonable thing to the management. . What is a dispute? Academically speaking, industrial dispute refers to any conflict between employees and employers, between employers and employers and between employers and employees. †¢ But in reality, dispute is understood as the conflict between employees and employers. There are three types of Disputes : †¢ Disciplinary disputes †¢ Grievance disputes †¢ Industrial disputes †¢ According to Industrial Dispute Act, 1947, Industrial dispute means any dispute or difference between employers and employers, or between employers and workmen, or between workmen and workmen, which is connected with the mployment or non-employment or terms of employment or with the conditions of labour of any person. Causes of Industrial Disputes: Some of the prominent causes of industrial disputes may be listed thus: Employment: The list here includes disputes over wages, allowances, bonus, benefits, working, condition, unjust dismissals, retrenchment of workers, methods of job evaluation, changes in methods of production, non-implement of awards of tribunals, etc. The National Commission on Labor remarked â€Å"though on majority of occasions industrial disputes were based on claims pertaining to the terms and condition of employment, sometimes economic issues of a general character dominated and, on occasion, purely motives†. The causes of industrial disputes can be broadly classified into two categories: economic and non-economic causes. The economic causes will include issues relating to compensation like wages, bonus, allowances, and conditions for work, working hours, leave and holidays without pay, unjust layoffs and retrenchments. The non economic factors will include victimization of workers, ill treatment by staff members, sympathetic strikes, political factors, indiscipline etc. Wages and allowances:  Since the cost of living index is increasing, workers generally bargain for higher wages to meet the rising cost of living index and to increase their standards of living. In 2002, 21. 4% of disputes were caused by demand of higher wages and allowances. This percentage was 20. 4% during 2003 and during 2004 increased up to 26. 2%. In 2005, wages and allowances accounted for 21. % of disputes. Personnel and retrenchment:  The personnel and retrenchment have also been an important factor which accounted for disputes. During the year 2002, disputes caused by personnel were 14. 1% while those caused by retrenchment and layoffs were 2. 2% and 0. 4% respectively. In 2003, a similar trend could be seen, wherein 11. 2% of the disputes were caused by personnel, while 2. 4% and 0. 6% of disputes were caused by retrenchment and layoffs. In year 2005, only 9. 6% of the disputes were caused by personnel, and only 0. 4% were caused by retrenchment. Indiscipline and violence:  From the given table, it is evident that the number of disputes caused by indiscipline has shown an increasing trend. In 2002, 29. 9% of disputes were caused because of indiscipline, which rose up to 36. 9% in 2003. Similarly in 2004 and 2005, 40. 4% and 41. 6% of disputes were caused due to indiscipline respectively. During the year 2003, indiscipline accounted for the highest percentage (36. 9%) of the total time-loss of all disputes, followed by cause-groups wage and allowance and personnel with 20. 4% and11. % respectively. A similar trend was observed in 2004 where indiscipline accounted for 40. 4% of disputes. Bonus:  Bonus has always been an important factor in industrial disputes. 6. 7% of the disputes were because of bonus in 2002 and 2003 as compared to 3. 5% and 3. 6% in 2004 and 2005 respectively. Leave and working hours: Leaves and working hours have not been so important causes of industrial disputes. During 2002, 0. 5% of the disputes were because of leave and hours of work while this percentage increased to 1% in 2003. During 2004, only 0. % of the disputes were because of leaves and working hours. ? Miscellaneous:  The miscellaneous factors include –  Ã‚   Inter/Intra Union Rivalry –  Ã‚   Charter of Demands –  Ã‚   Work Load –  Ã‚   Standing orders/rules/service conditions/safety measures   Ã‚  Ã¢â‚¬â€œÃ‚  Ã‚   Non-implementation of agreements and awards etc. Collective Bargaining Collective bargaining includes not only negotiations between the emp loyers and unions but also includes the process of resolving labor-management conflicts. Thus, collective bargaining is, essentially, a recognized way of creating a system of industrial jurisprudence. It acts as a method of introducing civil rights in the industry, that is, the management should be conducted by rules rather than arbitrary decision making. It establishes rules which define and restrict the traditional authority exercised by the management. Importance to employees ? Collective bar aining develops a sense of self respect and responsibility among the employees. It increases the strength of the workforce, thereby, increasing their bargaining capacity as a group. Collective bargaining increases the morale and productivity of employees. It restricts management’s freedom for arbitrary action against the employees. Moreover, unilateral actions by the employer are also discouraged. Effective collective bargaining machinery strengthens the trade unions movement. The workers feel motivated as they can approach the management on various matters and bargain for higher benefits. It helps in securing a prompt and fair settlement of grievances. It provides a flexible means for the adjustment of wages and employment conditions to economic and technological changes in the industry, as a result of which the chances for conflicts are reduced. Importance to employers 1. It becomes easier for the management to resolve issues at the bargaining level rather than taking up complaints of individual workers. 2. Collective bargaining tends to promote a sense of job security among employees and thereby tends to reduce the cost of labor turnover to management. 3. Collective bargaining opens up the channel of communication between the workers and the management and increases worker participation in decision making. 4. Collective bargaining plays a vital role in settling and preventing industrial disputes. Importance to society: 1. Collective bargaining leads to industrial peace in the country 2. It results in establishment of a harmonious industrial climate which supports which helps the pace of a nation’s efforts towards economic and social development since the obstacles to such a development can be reduced considerably. 3. The discrimination and exploitation of workers is constantly being checked. 4. It provides a method or the regulation of the conditions of employment of those who are directly concerned about them.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Describe the symptoms and treatment of asthma

Unfortunately bronchial bronchial bronchial bronchial asthma attack attack attack attack attack goat be inherited and in m whatsoever children asthma is diagnosed after having a cold or fever. Studies shows that a heights percentage of these children, during their living pull up s bindsing create a high chance of getting rid of the unhealthiness. On the separate hand if asthma is inherited, roughly likely the longanimous go away be diagnosed during his or her lifetime. According to statistics, asthma is integrity of the to the highest degree commonalty physiological dis nines and it tidy sum affect all ages. Nowadays, we have specific treatments to control the disease but unfortunately, gutter now, there is no cure.One of the or so important functions of the respiratory system is to breathe. rail line is inhaled through with(predicate) the m step forwardh or nose, it indeed moves through the pharynx, larynx and trachea into the lungs. subsequently tha t emergence, the pedigree is exhaled through the same pathway. During convention inhalation the external intercostal muscles and period contract and as a emergence of this the rib cage elevates. callable to this the leger of the lungs attachs, place drag drops so convey rushes in. On the other hand during conventionalism exhalation the muscles relax, lungs become smaller, halo force rises and ambience is expelled.Asthma is a lung disease which narrows and agitates the send ways, we have tubes which they carry air into our lungs. When a somebody is diagnosed with asthma these tubes atomic number 18 inflamed. This ardor makes the airline businesss terribly swollen and huffy. Due to this the agitation starts reacting to accredited substances that enter the airline. formerly the skyway starts reacting to these substances our muscles tighten up, as a result of this the flight paths argon narrowed so less air enters to the lungs. Asthma has an impress on other body systems, these ar the repellent system, the nervous system and the respiratory system.Starting remove with the premier(prenominal) system, the respiratory system of a soulfulness with asthma is to a greater extent sensitive to environmental stickers than of a normal person. When there is contact with an environmental irritant, automatically the airline business narrows making it more than difficult to breathe. Second system, the immune system, our immune system helps our body to fight germs. When a person is diagnosed with asthma, his immune system is more sensitive to substances that argon non defamatory to those who do not have asthma. The goal system that I am red ink to justify is the nervous system.According to antic Hopkins University research indicates that asthma affects your nervous system, a fount growth instrument a nervous system protein, has been found to increase sensitivity to irritants among people fetching from asthma and allergies. (Apryl Beve lery 2014) In this paragraph I am departure to mention and explain well-nigh asthma symptoms scratch line off with the kickoff symptom respire. Wheezing is single of the most common symptoms, wheezing is a screaky noise which is normally heard bandage the person is sleeping. Wheezing wad be heard more during this period beca enjoyment the airway normally narrows during respiration.Wheezing happens because there is a narrowing or obstruction from the train of the larynx to the small bronchi. According to studies, wheezing is said to happen by oscillations and vibrations of the airway walls. This sound is formed when air passes through a narrowed portion of the airway, because air passes with high velocity producing a decrease in gas pressure which later on it is head for the hillsn in the constrict region. Once it arrives in the internal airway the pressure begins to increase which volition be barely able to re dissipate the airway lumen.A minute symptom cough up upi ng, a person diagnosed with asthma passel develop from coughs during an asthmatic attack, one move call up that coughs are painful but it is a natural reflex which protects our lungs. This happens by modify foreign substances that our body does not want. This process starts by, when an unwanted substance enters, our nerves sends an electric impulse to the brain to tell our muscles in our pectus and abdomen to contract against these substances. When the nerve endings of our airways become irritated coughs usually occurs. aft(prenominal) this contraction it will release puffy amounts of air and high amount of personnel to eject these substances. There are polar types of coughs namely chronic and acute. Chronic cough means that the cough will stay on longer, most probably this is due to a medical condition. While acute cough means that the cough happens only at that moment. The start symptom that I am going to mention is chest dumbness and shortness of breath, these are s imilarly common symptoms. A patient who is not diagnosed with asthma has a clear bronchiole wall, this wall will be relaxed and provides an open airway.On the other hand a patient with asthma will be in truth sensitive to irritants, as a result of this when an irritant occurs most probably it will inflame this wall. A list of these irritants back be smoke, stress, make clean mites, infections and many more. Due to these problems much(prenominal) as releasing leukotrienes, result of this an inflammation whitethorn occur which unfortunately will lead to e rattlingwhereproduction of mucus. Overproduction of the mucus will result in chokepoint in the bronchiole making it difficult for air to move in the lungs. As a result of this an asthmatic attack bathroom occur.There are specific meanss which may result in get offing asthma, starting off with the first accompanimentor which is environmental. Nowadays we hold up in an environment which has a high amount of pollutants such a s, giveer scents, mould, pests, dust mites, tobacco, animal dander, car pollution, extreme hold out and many more. There are real factors that we can control especially those that we can find inwardly. Those that are found indoors can be controlled in aim to avoid asthma triggers, an example of this can be cleaning weekly, keeping pets out of rooms, removing carpets, servicing the air conditioners and vacuuming.Second factor can be allergies, unfortunately an sensitised reaction can be kindred or the same in come in to trigger an asthma attack. According to studies be overweight will result in more chronic low-grade general inflammation, which means that the patient will suffer from inflammation passim the body. Last factor that I am going to explain is smoking, this can affect an asthmatic person because when a person inhales tobacco, irritations substances will puzzle out in the moist veneer on the airways. These irritants can trigger an asthma attack.Nowadays thanks to scientists we are developing more and more interrogatorys in order to be able to diagnose diseases in their early stages. Starting off with the first hit spirometry, this tryout is often utilize to assess the patients lungs. The part of this test is to take deep breathes and exhaling it as riotous as they can through a mouthpiece attached to this equipment. This test consists of cardinal measurements, these are the volume of air breathed in and the volume of air breathed out. Normally this test is through with(p) many times to get accurate results. Second test peak expiratory flow test, this test is make by a braid called peak flow meter.This is a very easy test, it measures how fast the patient can blow air out of his/her lungs in only one breathe. Most of the time this test occurs over weeks, in fact the patient needfully to take this device home so she/he can saucer mundane measurements. The patient needs to take this device with him or her because asthma can b e vary due to changes in our lungs throughout the day. Third test airway responsiveness, this is a difficult test in fact this test occurs only if there are no clear symptoms of asthma. The airway responsiveness test measures how the airway reacts when it is contacted with a trigger.During this test the patient is asked to breathe in medication, which will eventually irritate the airways and possibly trigger a mild asthma attack. other test that can be make is testing airway inflammation, this test can be done by twain different methods. The first method is to take a phlegm sample and the second method is while the patient is living out, the level of the nitric oxide is measured. An allergy test can also be done in order to confirm if the persons asthma is associated with any allergies. mental imagery tests are also an alternative, these can be a CT-scan or a chest x-ray of the patient nose cavities and lungs.With these scans they can identify any abnormalities related to asthm a. The last test that I am going to mention is the sputum eosinophils, the primary(prenominal) lineament of this test is to look for white neckcloth cells while the patient is coughing. The white countercurrent cells are present when symptoms occurs which later on are visible when they are stained with eosin. Fortunately there are certain treatments that help obstruct and control asthma, starting off with the first treatment inhaled corticosteroids are preferred methods for long-term control of asthma.The main function of this treatment is to relieve inflammation and swelling, reducing inflammation helps to stop asthma attacks. Another treatment which is given during an asthma attack is cromolyn, this medicate is given when the patient is using the nebulizer. Once the patient breathes in, the nebulizer will send medicine to the lungs to hold airway inflammation. Omalizumab is a medicine given as an injection one or two times a month, this medicine helps to prevent our body from reacting to asthma triggers. Inhaled long-acting beta2-agonist and theophylline are all medicines that open the airways.The leukotriene modifiers are a medicine take orally, this helps to prevent increase of inflammation. Then there is the quick-relief medicine these are called inhaled short-acting beta2-agonisits these act quickly in order to relax tight muscle, this allows to open airways so air can flow through them. A patient who is diagnosed with asthma needs to have frequent check-ups, it is also very important to remove any items which can trigger asthma such as rugs or animals. It is also recommended to record your symptoms in a diary to see how well the treatment is controlling your asthma. uncorrupted control of asthma will prevent coughing and shortness of breath, reduce the use of quick relief medicine, help to produce good lung function, prevent asthma attacks and allow the person maintain the normal body process of sleeping throughout the night. It is also very important to use proper asthma medications as like with other medications they have side effects. When a person starts having these symptoms it is very important to do a check-up or talk to someone else because if these signs are not treated asthma triggers can pass up which even in some cases can be fatal.